Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome,

This is my first blog and I hope to post here every week. I have joined the 52 week challenge and will be sharing my progress and some of my thoughts on looking back to move forward - a journey to weight reduction.
Thanks for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Week 43 - Christmas

Christmas – I say bring it on. Bring what on I hear you say….. mmmm that is a tough one and Deb’s ( http://www.homelifesimplified.com.au/holidays-organising-planning/)  challenge for this week has got me thinking.

Christmas – what do I really want from Christmas? What does my family want from Christmas? What will Christmas look like this year?
To find these answers I looked back at all the christmas’ – the small, the big, the lonely, the crowded, the fun, the sad – the good, the bad and the ugly.

There have been some great ones and some very average ones.
What made the great ones great and the average ones average?  Family!!!!

My early Christmas celebrations were very simple and filled with love. My parents are German and we have always celebrated on Christmas eve – Simple, family orientated and fun.  We always had gifts but nothing over the top, there was always plenty of food but not over the top and we always had love – plenty  of it.
So when did things change – obviously when I married things did change but not greatly. My In laws are from Belgium and as with my family there weren’t many of us (Mum and dad and 2 sisters on both sides). Christmas for both sides of the family has always been about being together and enjoying each other’s company. So when did it change?  As our families grew and we need to accommodation other in-laws, as our finances grew and we took Christmas to a new level (more money on gifts, more money on food).  Bit of a pattern here – when we took away the simple is when Christmas started to loose some of it’s glitz for me.  There are some memories of when it was really obscene the amount of gifts that we purchased for so few…. Yes I was to blame too. 

I was much happier when it was simple. That’s what I am aiming for.  Quality not quantity.
This year things will be different. It will be sad – my first Christmas without my big sister. So what does that mean – we usually don’t spend Christmas together anymore – we have in law responsibilities and well I don’t like the Gold coast at Christmas (too hot and too busy), we have dad to consider and moving him is too difficult. 

One of the last Christmas we had together was a Christmas in July and it was great  - simple and fun together.
Ok back on track – Christmas 2012 will be different. LOML, Merman and I usually spend every second year with LOML’s family and then the other year by ourselves. This year it was LOML’s family’s turn which in itself caused a few problems but LOML has said that considering the circumstances that we will go to my dad for Christmas. So it is 2 weeks on the Gold coast for us. I am so very glad because I need to be with dad.

There were a few things to consider with LOML’s family this year – His niece usually hosts Christmas lunch because they had a pool and bigger place plus then her husband’s family all come too (his parents have 15 brothers between them, then you add in the grandparents, kids and who there are heaps and heaps of people). This year one of the other uncles wanted to host Christmas – which is only fair.  So this year LOML’s family get together will be a bit earlier and will go back to being smaller, easier, simpler and probably more fun.  As it turns out I will be getting my wish for a simpler Christmas.
For me this Christmas will be different and very important – I need to step up and look after Dad. I’ve got plans and I will make sure we all have a good time.  I am organising Christmas eve for dad in the aged care facility (he doesn’t like eating out) so it will a nice quiet, simple time.  Keeping some of the family traditions going – Christmas eve, small presents, being together.

A time for reflection and a time for being together.
PS,  My sister loved Christmas and up until a few years ago was right into decorating the house with Christmas lights – in a major way.  She actually won the novice Gold Coast award for Christmas lights.  I have fantastic memories of Christmas and the lights.


  1. I hope you get your wish of a simple Christmas. It sounds like you will be with the people you love the most and that will make it special. I think it is lovely that you will be with your Dad. I adore the photo of your sister's lights! I'm sure she will be in your thoughts a lot xo

  2. It is so difficult to co-ordinate families at Christmas. We do the alternate years with hubby's family too - but we always catch up with them separately in the weeks leading up to Christmas if it's not their Christmas Day year.

  3. thanks so much for dropping by. I hope both of your Xmas celebratins are special. :)

  4. Oh good luck with that. It really is about simple and especially important for the person organising it. We tend to have a cold lunch so it can be pretty much prepared in advance and then we lounge around. Just being together is definitely what it is about. Good luck. Enjoy your time with your dad.

  5. I love that you are wrapping up your year with the spirit that we all signed up this challenge in seek of...to keep it simple.

  6. thanks for dropping by Mandy and Bethmarie. Simple is definately the best. In this age of over indulgence (in everything) for me it is very important to keep it simple. this challenge has been awesome and helped me so very much. xoxo I love reading everyone's posts and the support I've received has been amazing.
