Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome,

This is my first blog and I hope to post here every week. I have joined the 52 week challenge and will be sharing my progress and some of my thoughts on looking back to move forward - a journey to weight reduction.
Thanks for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Week 41 - Marriages

 I don’t know how Deb ( http://www.homelifesimplified.com.au/simplify-your-life-week-42-friendships/ ) does it but the SYL challenges seem to be working hand in hand with the Heal your life homework I have. Last week we looked at relationships in Heal your life which led in nicely to this week’s SYL challenge……How to challenge our relationship this week?

A little bit of background…. I’ve been married to LOML for 29 years in November. Yep 29 Years -  for those that were wondering yes I was a child bride…..We’ve been good and bad times and we have one child – Merman 16 years old.
Times have been tough but times have also been good.  I truly believe LOML is my soul mate, just at some times we loose our way and things don’t go so well. Both us are to blame – neither of us are right and neither of us are wrong.  We have been through lots together and at times I think that I don’t want to be with him anymore but then he does something and I know I don’t ever want to be without him.  Things do get a stale and we do take ourselves for granted. We just get caught up in the every day and forget to have fun, we forget why we are together. No its more than that - we get so caught up in our lives the every day stuff we forget to have fun and why we got together.

This past week I have been really looking at our relationship and I wasn’t sure I wanted to stay but this week he has been amazing.  Full of love for me, telling me how much he cares and even telling me how much I matter to him. 
As part of my Heal Your life course I have been saying an affirmation about how I am grateful that we live harmoniously and that our relationship gives me everything I need.  I also had an ah ha moment – I keep wanting things but had forgotten to think about LOML, instead of worrying about myself all the time I should also be thinking about what he wants. 

This week I started doing things a bit differently and it has paid off.
We are getting on better and life is easier - a little less emotionally cluttered.

I also want to do a few things differently and I want to bring in a bit more fun into our relationship, we have gotten into a bit of a rut.  So next weekend I’ve asked LOML to go to the Rollerderby with me. Yes I know Rollerderby!  I’ve seen a few ads and well I think it will be fun.  The good thing is that he said yes.   It should be a fun night…… so already we are doing things differently.  I know it is only small steps but it is a start.
I am looking forward to finding new things we can do together to reignite our relationship.



  1. Good luck Rita - rollerderby sounds like fun. Sounds like it's just what you need! We are in a bit of a rut too - it's hard when life/work/kids get in the way.

  2. thanks Bec. I am looking forward to it and so is LOML. It is so easy to get into a rut and I have been in one too but things they are a changing and I am dragging us out of the rut. Baby steps. even if it is just a walk together. I put a little note in LOML's lunch box and it did wonders. I wrote "you matter to me". he appreciated it and has said it a few times too me this week. good luck with finding some time.
