Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome,

This is my first blog and I hope to post here every week. I have joined the 52 week challenge and will be sharing my progress and some of my thoughts on looking back to move forward - a journey to weight reduction.
Thanks for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy.

Saturday 3 March 2012

52 Week Challenge - Week 9

Who’s race are you running?

It is almost as if Deb http://www.homelifesimplified.com.au/simplify-your-life-week-ten-how-to-face-your-fears/#more-3235 has looked into her crystal ball and come up with a challenge that is tailored specifically to me and what is happening in my life especially the areas I am trying to improve.

This week’s challenge is about going easier on yourself and about self reflection.  Seeing if there is anything in your life where changing your expectations / standards / approach could change your life.

For me this is about doing things at my own pace, being my own person, not trying to live my life by other’s standards and about being kind to myself. Something that I’d like to do more of but old habits die hard and at times I struggle. This is one of the things that I am hoping to achieve through this challenge.
I have spent many years doing many things because it will look good, because it is what people expect of me, because other people do it, because I don’t want to cause waves. Pushing myself and trying to do it all – perfect wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, employee, neighbor, coach, manager (the list goes on – except I didn’t ever push myself to be the perfect housekeeper).
 Of course I had fun along the way but if I am really honest I will admit I’ve done a lot of things because other people want me to, please don’t get me wrong I believe it is important to get along with people and when we live in a community it is all about give and take.
 For a long time I was doing all the giving because I thought it was the only way but I know now it isn’t and it is actually not what people want. It is important to have a say, to stand up for what we believe in, to allow others to give so we can take.  In any community we all like to be generous with our possessions, time, words, feelings and ourselves so it is important that we allow others to give as well as take.

One of the greatest gifts you can give is allowing people to feel good about themselves by allowing them to feel the joy of giving.
It’s a funny thing I often wonder why we aren’t as kind to ourselves as we are to others.

I am much more forgiving of others than I am of myself. This an area I am working on too and over the past few years my self talk has changed the way I am and yes I am being kinder to myself.  I am a work in progress and progressing I am.

Who’s race am I running?  This is a great question and one I’ve been pondering for most of the week.  I’d love to say I am running my own race – if that was true I wouldn’t feel guilty, be upset with others or get annoyed.  So who’s race am I running – I could name names but I think it is bigger than one person. I think it is Society as a whole.  I don’t mean this to be as harsh as it sounds and I know I am not expressing what I am trying to.   I think we run with others, heading in the same direction with the same goal - sharing the race. Maybe this is too idealistic and my typical “church in the middle” attitude, wanting the best of everything.
Maybe I am running my own race and sometimes I am the winner but other times I am just piped at the post and every so often I bring up the rear and come last. For me the most important thing is not where I come in the race but that I am on the path that is true to myself and that I don’t go off track while keeping my values, goals and visions on track.

I’ve been thinking about a mantra to remind me to keep on track and one that keeps coming to mind is “treat yourself as you would others”.  I am much more forgiving of others and one of the things I am going to do is be more forgiving of myself.
On a totally unrelated matter –the following is a quote from a movie I’m watching “blogging isn’t journalism it is graffiti with punctuation “.  Never thought of myself as a graffiti artist before but well if the spray can fits………..

Have a great week everyone.


  1. Rita what an honest and kind post. I feel the same, we are all running the same race - but i am just not sure who actually started the race!!! IF ONLY we could all be as kind to ourselves as we are to others..... imagine how content we may be!!!! I think you are doing a fantastic job and this challenge seems to be increasing your self confidence and self love!! Good luck this week :)

    1. Hi Paula, thank you so much for your kind words. Treating ourselves as we do others is one of the hardest things to do. It takes practise but well worth it. thank you so much for your support. take care.

  2. I love your line treat yourself as you would others. We always treat others as you want to be treated - but don't often think of the reverse. You are so right! We generally forgive others easier than we forgive ourselves. Thanks for your post.

    1. Hi Bec, thanks for dropping by.Its a funny thing I often will go out of my way to help othes or to forgive but am very unforgiving when it comes to myself. Take care

  3. This is a fantastic post. I think "Who's race are you running" would be a great mantra every morning, a reminder that you aren't racing anyone! And yes, we always hear "treat others as you would like to be treated" but it should also be "treat yourself as you would like to be treated!" So much here that I'm sure we can all relate to!

  4. thanks for dropping by. I hadn't thought of "who's race are you running" as a mantra until you mentioned it. But now that you did - I also think I might use it too. take care.

  5. really liked this Rita, it is so true that we are not as willing to give to ourself like we give to others, you worded this beautifully xx

    1. thanks so much. It is one of the hardest things I find to do...don't know what it is? But I am trying each day and I know I will get there. cheers :)

  6. I've always wanted to be a graffiti artist! Thanks for helping me to be! What movie were you watching?

    By the way loved your post!

  7. Hi Annaleis, The movie was "The Contaigent" it was about the spreading of a virus. Gwenth Paltro and Matt Damon.
    thanks for dropping by. :)

  8. Fantastic post Rita. I think I would do a lot of things differently if I stopped every morning and asked myself whose race I was running :) I love SYL and the fact that everyone has something different to share but it all has the same message.

  9. Thanks for dropping by. That's why I love SYL, Deb has a way of asking the tough questions that really helps put things in perspective. good luck with the rest of the challenge. :)
