Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome,

This is my first blog and I hope to post here every week. I have joined the 52 week challenge and will be sharing my progress and some of my thoughts on looking back to move forward - a journey to weight reduction.
Thanks for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy.

Saturday 9 June 2012

52 Week Challenge – Declutter your wardrobe

Putting a long weekend to good use........
Here it is the weekend and although I’ve had two days off this week I haven’t started delcuttering my wardrobe yet, just as well it’s a long weekend. I have been decluttering other places in the house though and working through my home audit so its not been an idle week. Just not enough hours in the day to everything done.
It has also been a tough week, it’s the 6th anniversary of my Mum’s passing and I am sooky. No other words for it, I’m feeling sad and sorry for myself. But that’s ok because I am being kind to myself and understanding that it is ok to miss my mum. I am not beating myself about it or wanting to change it but I understand it is just the way it is. It is what makes me the person I am. Actually I hope it never goes away, I love the closeness I feel to my mum at this time. I love the memories and the feel of love and if I concentrate hard enough I can still feel her hugs, her loving arms wrapped around me providing a safe harbour from the world.

Ok the self-indulgence is over and back to the task at hand…. Decluttering my wardrobe.
You may recall I made some really great purchases last week – really great bargains that I love but the very best buy was a pair of boots that I really love and I am modelling my winter wardrobe around them.

There I go wandering again….. what I want to say is that I need a plan to go through my wardrobe yes I am sure there is a list just waiting to be written.
Each season I pack away clothes and revamp my wardrobe because wardrobe space in this house is at a premium and there really isn’t any space at all – it is only a 3 bedroom house but there I go making excuses again.  The truth is we have too much stuff and there is no way I could possible wear everything I have and I need to get rid of some things. So this weekend I will go through my clothes. 

I so wanted to write that I will throw away clothes I don’t wear but I just couldn’t do it.  I know I wouldn’t do it and I didn’t want to lie to you.
Yep I suppose this is a big failure in the decluttering space but being overweight I have this silly belief that when I see clothes that fit me at a reasonable price I need to buy them because when I need something I can never find it and I have to keep everything.

So my wardrobe is bulging.
Of course when you throw in the fact that my weight fluctuates because I loose it and then put it back on I think I need to keep the clothes. What I should be doing is reducing the weight for ever and throwing out the big sizes and getting new clothes.  Yep that’s what I will do.

I’ve already started on this plan but it is taking longer than I thought but it is happening.
In the interim I will go through my wardrobe using Deb’s 5 steps to declutting your wardrobe and put together some work and casual outfits (not too many) and divide the rest of the clothes into the following:

*   Don’t want it any more (bin or Vinnies)
                              Doesn’t fit, don’t like it, won’t wear it again
                  *   Seasonal hibernation
                        Pack it away for another day
                  *   Maybes
                               Maybe I want it, maybe I’ll wear it again,
                                  maybe I    love it     and      I just can’t   part with it.

Thank goodness there is a public holiday on Monday because it looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me…….
One more thing I need to mention just in case you didn’t realise it, is that I love shopping and more specifically I love a bargain and I’ve been known to buy something just because it’s a bargain, not even knowing if I will ever wear it. So as part of my decluttering I also need to relook at when and why I buy clothes.

So from now on I either love it madly or need it badly or I just don’t buy it.  Wish me luck because I am going to need it.
Thanks Deb (http://www.homelifesimplified.com.au/) for helping me to declutter another area in my life.

PS – Something amazing happened, I started clearing out my wardrobe and I couldn’t stop, I was like a women possessed and I sorted so much out. I also sorted out my underwear draw and my hubby’s wardrobe.  Look out - don’t stand still or you just might be relocated to vinnies…….
PSS  it feels so good and I found clothes I had forgotten about and now have more options…….. yeah. Not to mention I am achieving some goals and my vision board is turning into a "yep I've done that" board.

Thanks Deb.


  1. Yay. That sounds great Rita. It is true, once you get started, it is wonderful! Yay for the bonus 'forgotten' clothes. I had the issue with the larger clothes and finally realised, having them there is bad news, as if I do tend to put on weight, it is okay, I'll have something to wear. Now they are gone, it's, put on weights and I'll have nothing to wear! A bit more motivation.

    As for feeling sorry and sad for yourself, I imagine that is a feeling that will never past. Let yourself enjoy reliving the memories. Hope feeling those hugs keep you comforted and safe for years to come! xx

    1. thanks so much for dropping by Kate. I really did have fun cleaning out the clothes and yes I was hanging on to the bigger sizes just in case. It won't happen now I've thrown them out. Thanks for your kind wishes. xoxox cheers.

  2. "love it madly or need it badly" - fantastic motto for shopping. I'm going to use it. I totally understand the clothes in relation to weight fluctuation. Until recently I still had beautiful clothes from when I was size 8, and I'm not that now. I certainly never going back to that either. So they've gone, and with it the guilt about not being size 8! What I thought would be agonising turned out to be a great relief.

  3. thanks so much for dropping by. I hope the mantra works for you (and Me). I really did enjoy the big cleanout it was a good feeling. Cheers xoxox

  4. Yay...way to go Rita!! I was the same - once I started I couldn't stop - we took 2 huge bags down to the salvos yesterday (hubby's and mine - he got into the act too).

  5. Well done Rita! I LOVE your post this week. You did it! I love the way that you talked yourself through it and were honest. Even more, I love the fact that you surprised yourself and got right in to it! :D
    Jo xo

    1. Hi Jo, how are you? I am so sorry I inadverently deleted your comment of 1 July. I was doing two things at once and thought the vry small writing under the comment said "review" but it was remove. I am so very sorry, I really enjoy your comments. promise to take care next time.
