Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome,

This is my first blog and I hope to post here every week. I have joined the 52 week challenge and will be sharing my progress and some of my thoughts on looking back to move forward - a journey to weight reduction.
Thanks for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Week 34 - Eating Habits

Eating habits – yep I have them and they aren’t good.

I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking about, dwelling on and reworking my eating habits during my life time. After many many many years of looking at this issue where I even dabbled with writing a book (actually I wrote a book but it needs lots of work) I know what I should do but I don’t do it.
My book dealt with looking back to move forward – looking at why the habits were formed in the first place. No blaming but an honest look to know why food became my enemy. I found out that food wasn’t the enemy it was what I did with it that was the problem. I treated food as comfort or as a reward anything but what it actually is…. Sustenance.

So what happened, what did I do, how did I use this information………..nothing, nudder, zip, zilch.  Ok that is a bit harsh. I have changed some things but I haven’t made any progress with my weight reduction. There needs to be a strong correlation between eating habits and moving the body and so far for me there hasn’t been.
There is so much more to weight reduction, eating habits and moving the body – well it is for me.  I do know what I should do but I don’t do it. I’ve read heaps on this topic but I don’t do it. For me it is getting my headspace right – understanding why I treat food as a reward, as comfort and not sustenance, in particular why I eat so much and why I look to food when I am happy, sad, scared, alone, in company, annoyed, upset, celebrating…… I think you get the idea.

I am working towards changing my relationship with food and I will be successful – these SYL challenges are an important part of this journey. I am also participating in a Heal your life workshop and that has also been very important.
Another thing that I need to take into consideration is that LOML has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes so I need to make sure our eating habits work for the whole family. We were going really well but have been a bit slack lately.  

I am going to take small steps and work on two things each week – drinking more water and designing an eating plan that is 6 small meals per day instead of 3 big ones.  
Combined with at least two gym visits and walking at least 3 times a week will make a difference. I am not going to stress about numbers – how many kilos lost, how many calories, how many centimetres. I am going to change my eating habits and move my body and that will make the difference.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly where you are coming from. I in the past have treated food in the same way and still struggle with it. So does my mother and I think family patterns play a big part. Cutting out sugar, bread and pasta helped me, pretty much cutting all craving. Incidental exercise is my best friend. But I constantly tweak and note how I'm feeling. But I'm not always on the path - like last night's CC's for dinner as I finished work late and passed a convenience store on my way home :-) But hey, we're all human!
