Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome,

This is my first blog and I hope to post here every week. I have joined the 52 week challenge and will be sharing my progress and some of my thoughts on looking back to move forward - a journey to weight reduction.
Thanks for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Week 32 - Balance

Well here we are at week 32 and wow hasn’t it gone fast. So much has happened and to be honest the last few weeks have knocked me for six. I don’t want to rehash a lot of stuff but with my sister passing away 3 weeks ago so much has changed for me and I am reassessing everything in my life, everything!

Balance is more important than ever now.
More importantly my priorities are changing – have changed. I now have more responsibility regarding my father’s care. A responsibility I am more than happy to take on but I also know it will had many pressures to me and my family.

Balance will be the key and I need to get my life back into balance.
I have been spending far too much time on me – I have been selfish and have been doing too many me things. 

So how do I change this -  yep I make a list and add in my new responsibilities.
I will be travelling more – one day trips to the Gold Coast, sorting out Xmas – can’t have dad being by himself at Xmas.

I need to remain healthy – I need to fit into the airline seats without getting the seat belt extension. So for me the next couple of months will be about my health – getting to a healthy weight and maintaining it, getting a few medical things sorted out and letting go of some of the pressure.
Thanks Deb (http://www.homelifesimplified.com.au/exercise-habit-motivation/    )  just what I needed.


  1. glad the timing of this block was good for you! Still so sorry about your sister - it is never easy dealing with the loss of a loved one and I send you lots of strength hon.

    Please don't think you have been "selfish" by focusing so much on yourself. that is the way with balance - when you need to adjust things you realign your priorities to where they need to be... but it does not make the time spent as wasted or too much, it just was and now you will be getting on top of another area - which I know you will rock! xx

  2. Thanks Deb. the last few weeks have been a blurr and the only thing that keeps me going is doing the routine things. Thank heavens I have my routines. Thanks so much for your caring. I've taken the first step in working on my fitness - I am going to to this new Womens health club on Saturday to check it out. It has a Kineses wall - not sure what that is but it sounds great. Thanks Deb. :)

  3. Rita, I'm so sorry you have lost your sister. It sounds like you're ready for the shift in your life now and have learned the skills to readjust and write your lists. Well done going to check out the gym! That first step is the hardest. Jo xo

  4. Thanks for dropping by. tough times bring out the best and sometimes the worst. Hopefully I keep focusing on the best. :)
