Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome,

This is my first blog and I hope to post here every week. I have joined the 52 week challenge and will be sharing my progress and some of my thoughts on looking back to move forward - a journey to weight reduction.
Thanks for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy.

Saturday 4 August 2012

SYL - 52 Week Challenge - Weeks 28 to 31

I’ve been away for a few weeks and need to do a bit of catching up…..


Week 28 - Cleaning

I’ve said this before and no doubt I will say it again (and again) – I don’t like cleaning, I really don’t like cleaning at all.
I do anything and everything to get out of cleaning. I actually don’t think about it too much, I just don’t do it until the house is really bad and it needs it or visitors are coming.  So I really need help with this part of my life.

I am very lucky my husband does all the washing and I do the ironing. We share the cooking and the rest of the chores sometimes.
We have a modest 3 bedroom house with one bathroom and toilet. Not a lot too do.

Should be easy shouldn’t it…….
Well its not – I hate housework and I would love to get a cleaner and you know what that is what I am going to do.  I can afford it so I will do it. Just for the bathroom and toilet and floors. Surely it shouldn’t be too expensive.  Who cares – let me explain.

Two weeks ago my sister passed away unexpectedly she had the flu and then had an asthma attack which lead to two cardiac arrests.  She was on life support for 7 days and we turned it off on the 21 July. My dear sweet sister passed away on 22 July. She was 57 years young and my world has been turned upside down.  I am devastated but I have a family too look after but I also have now taken over power of attorney (along with my other sister) for our father who lives on the Gold coast.  We both live interstate so there will many issues.

My life has to be simplified even further, I will need to make day trips to the Gold Coast to take dad to doctors appointments, I will be managing the finances, I will be taking on many responsibilities so I will need time.

I have already simplified my life in so many ways – getting rid of clutter (still some way to go) but more importantly getting rid of the emotional clutter.
I am going to be reassessing many things over the next few weeks to make sure everything The 3 questions asked are very important:

What is your minimum standard cleaning routine?
I would love to say do nothing at all but being realistic some housework needs to be done.  Minimum is bathrooms, floors and ironing each week. Dusting every second week. Little bits in between.

What is your cleaning approach?
Well it has been when I wanted to do it – which is hardly ever. But now it will be a routine because I do better with routines and you know I am even do a list or two….

Do you use any systems to save you time and effort with cleaning?
Something I have never thought about but well I will need to I suppose. Maybe tomorrow…….

Ok so that is cleaning ticked off…. I wish it was as easy as that.

Week 29 - Paper and information

With my new responsibilities this is going to be a major challenge. Dad on the Gold Coast and my other sister in Adelaide  - providing the care he needs will be a challenge.

The only way to do this is to have routines, lists and a good system well for me anyway. LOML already has all our paperwork sorted now it is my turn to set up some processes for Dad’s stuff. 
I will be approaching it in my usual way – lists, processes and making it happen.

I’ve set up folders, simplified the banking and have a daily to do list. I know things will calm down when we get into a routine but it is a bit overwhelming at the moment.
Updating contacts and the diary, keeping in contact with my sister and the home were Dad is, reconciling bank statements will be an hourly job each night. Yep it will take time but Dad gave much of his time for me this is the least I can do.

Week 30 - Household management

My household needs more than one new habit a day but as with anything that is important starting out small is the key and to that end I will establish one new habit and then then when it is well entrenched I will establish another new habit.

So what habit will it be first……….
I like the idea of the 15 minute clean up each day so I am going to steal it ( I am sure Deb won’t mind).

I will make a slight adjustment I will make it a 30 minute cleanup and include electronic cleaning up too.

Week 31 - Catch up week

Whew!  I really needed this.

I have looked back and I am so pleased with my progress. So much has changed in my life thanks to SYL I have been decluttering my home but more importantly decluttering my life and I have gotten rid of a lot of garbarge – literally and emotionally.
With any change it is important review it, check what has been working and what hasn’t been working. 

I am really really happy with my progress. Have I done everything I wanted to – no I haven’t, is there still more to do – yes there is.
As I move to this new phase of my life I know the skills I’ve learnt from Deb (http://www.homelifesimplified.com.au/simplify-your-life-week-32-balance/) will help me take care of all the responsibilities that I know have.


  1. Visiting from the SYL12 Challenge. Sorry to hear of your sister's passing. With the added responsibilities that come with caring for your Dad's affairs, I am glad to hear you are going to get yourself a cleaner .. I would get one, in my dreams and when we win the lotto because I hate cleaning too, I always find something much better to do. Stacey-Lee :D

  2. Im so sorry about your sister. What a terrible shock. You sound like a pretty amazing woman to be so motivated and positive. I think its great you're getting a cleaner - sounds like it will take a bit of the load off and leave some time to help your dad. Make sure you look after yourself too!

  3. biggest hugs again Rita!

    You are taking on a lot and I know you will manage it just fine- setting up systems and lists is a good way forward so you don't miss anything important that is needed for his care.

    I hope you can make a go of the 30 minute tidy - i swear i struggle daily with the tidy although lately i am a little better with the cleaning LOL (can't do it all - well don't want to really)

  4. Thanks everyone for your support. yes it has been tough and I know that some days ahead will be pretty bleak but I also know Mally is still with me in so many ways. It has only been 3 weeks since she passed and so many things have happened. Dad is going well, I've arranged for a grief counseller for him and I've also seen one myself (funny story - the counseller was so upset he was crying and I was comforting him...). The 30 minute tidy hasn't gone so well - and to be honest I'm not putting too much pressure on myself. What will be will be and what wont - wont.
    I am actually doing a 'Heal your life' workshop which I think is a bit more important at the moment. I am very luck I have the an amazing support network.
    thanks so much for your suport.

  5. Rita, I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your sister. You are definitely a strong person to still be looking for the positive things and to be able to reach out when you need it, and also to provide support for your father. I hope that the changes you are making helps to take some pressure off the other areas in your life...a cleaning lady sounds great!! Beth (from Stay Calm and Carry On)
