Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome,

This is my first blog and I hope to post here every week. I have joined the 52 week challenge and will be sharing my progress and some of my thoughts on looking back to move forward - a journey to weight reduction.
Thanks for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy.

Saturday 23 June 2012

52 Week Challenge

Yes I am still here and loving it!

Deb (http://www.homelifesimplified.com.au/household-management-everything-has-a-home/  ) 25 weeks into this amazing journey and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.  25 weeks into this journey and my life is so much better!

I’ve learnt so much about myself by completing these challenges, it has been fun and I am loving every moment of this journey.  Even the hard challenges!

I haven’t completed everything I want to but I’ve started and made some plans to declutter not only my home but my life.

The people I’ve met on this journey are amazing, I love reading the other blogs and finding out how they are progressing on their journey.

I think the most important thing I’ve learnt is about myself and my core values, what makes me happy and what goals we have as a family.  It’s not about anybody else its about us and what we want. No doing things because it looks good or because others want us to. 

Another thing I really enjoy is the opportunity to look back to see how far my family has come in these few short weeks. We are a different family and have decluttered our lives, this is a work in progress and as they say in the classics “it won’t happen overnight but it will happen”.

Our home is happier, healthier and less stressed. 

Yes our lives have started to be simplified!


  1. Yay Rita!! This is wonderful! Good on you for making lots of positive changes. I look forward to following you for the rest of 2012 :)

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  3. i love following along and having you here lovely - one of the highlights of this experience for sure. xxx
