Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome,

This is my first blog and I hope to post here every week. I have joined the 52 week challenge and will be sharing my progress and some of my thoughts on looking back to move forward - a journey to weight reduction.
Thanks for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy.

Saturday 30 June 2012

52 Week challenge - Week 26 – Everything has a home

Woo hoo

Finally a week where I’m on top of it, finally a week where I can go "yep I do that."
But hang on a minute do I really do it, am I sure that I can’t do this better.

Well let’s have a look at things.  LOML is a very anal man. His favourite saying is “everything in its place and a place for everything”.   After 28 years of marriage some of his habits have worn off and yes we do have a place for everything my biggest problem is that I have too many things.
From the early days we have always put things in the same place – being in the Air force and moving around a lot it was very important to keep things easy to find.  No matter where the house was or the different floor plan we always knew where things were. Over the years we have kept things the same – 2nd draw in the kitchen, keys in the same place, Tupperware cupboard, linen press etc. Yes to some it is boring but to us it is organised.  
Don’t get me wrong there have been a few times when things can’t be found – but let me tell you it has been very rare and I usually the things we are looking for is for Merman.  Not so much now a  days, as a 15 year old he is really good.  Untidy yes, leaves things lying around yes but he knows where he leaves things.  We taught him for an early age that he had to be organised and well it has paid off.

Going a bit off track I’d like to share a story……
When Merman was in year 3 he was in a play – he was Mayor Humpty Dumpty and he sang a song “you’ve got to be organised” sung in Harry Belafonte style.

It was many years ago but the song went something like this:

                “When I was a little egg ,
                  Big Ideas they filled my head,
                For one so young I was so wise,

                All you got to do is organise.
               Get organised, everybody get organised."

My Mayor Humpty Dumpty
Not only are we organised but our child sings about it.  Ha ha.
Back to the business at hand.  Being organised has never been an issue it is just that I have too much stuff and the decluttering is helping with that.  Still need to complete some rooms but it is happening. A work in progress.  I am really looking forward to having a few days off to tackle all the rooms. More importantly I have a plan to make sure I don’t  reclutter.

Thanks Deb (http://www.homelifesimplified.com.au/home-routines-and-systems/ ) for reminding me about the good things my family does and how I can build on them to continue our decluttering journey.  


  1. Sounds like you've really got things together in the home-org category. I love that you have instilled the same skills in your son. They will be very valuable to him. Well done!

  2. Great work on teaching Merman all about organisation - that's a great skill for a 15 year old...and awww, that picy is so cute!

  3. thanks so much for dropping by. Yes we are pretty lucky, Merman is good and he doesn't need too many reminders. Keys go in the same place each time and he has a place for most things. thanks Bec it is a cute pic. He had an awesome time doing the play. Organising all the other kids. cheers :)
