Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome,

This is my first blog and I hope to post here every week. I have joined the 52 week challenge and will be sharing my progress and some of my thoughts on looking back to move forward - a journey to weight reduction.
Thanks for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy.

Friday 27 April 2012

52 Week Challenge - Week 17

Decision Making and overthinking

Deb (http://www.homelifesimplified.com.au/procrastination/) has done it again.  Just when you think there are no more surprises, Deb posts a challenge that has touched my very core – it’s almost as if she knows me and is setting these challenges just for me.
Overthinking – besides making lists it is the thing I do the most.

I’ve been thinking about this lately (no not overthinking it this time) but actually wondering why I think too much.  What is it – don’t I trust my judgement, lack of confidence, too much time on my hands or is it just the way I am wired.
Which way is up?

Looking back to move forward I’ve found something very interesting – the big decisions come easier to me.  I use a number of tools to help me with the big decisions – pros and cons lists, asking advice and seeking information.  I am comfortable with my decision making - the area I overthink is the everyday things, to be precise the way I interact with people.
Although I am working on it I still struggle with what people think of me especially at work. I overthink my words – making sure I don’t sound silly, offend anyone, makes sense or just say too much. Mental rehearsal is good but I overthink it and spend too much time on it. This stems from a lack of confidence and in particular my ridiculous opinion that my educational level is a disadvantage. The funny thing is that if I was to turn around the situation and if this was about somebody else I would say “balderdash” how silly – educational level has nothing to do with it, life experiences, common sense, honesty, work ethic and ability is what matters.  So why don’t I think that about myself?

It’s time I make some choices and have more confidence in myself.
I am good at my job, I enjoy my job and my opinion is valued – this is evidenced in many ways – feedback from bosses and colleagues.  I just have to convince myself and remove my roadblock.

I’ve made fantastic progress in other areas of my life I have no doubt I will find a way to remove my roadblock or at the very least identify my roadblock.
For a start I am going to embrace my abilities and trust myself.

As I have been writing this post something occurred to me – how much time do I waste on overthinking situations? I could achieve so much more if I would just trust my instincts, 9 out of 10 times I usually go with my first instinct anyway. Another thing has just occurred to me I am not a perfectionist, I don’t need to be perfect in everything I do – I believe that mistakes are a way of learning things and are important for our growth.  So why don’t I speak freely, what does it matter if I make a mistake and why do I overthink everything I do.  OMG! The light bulb just went off.
My AH HA moment
What does it matter if I make a mistake or if my decision is wrong? Isn’t it worse if I don’t do anything at all – as long as I can justify my decision shouldn’t that be enough?   It’s not as if I have my hand in somebody’s heart reviving them.  My job is paperwork  - what’s the worst that will happen? 

I accept others mistakes and don’t hold it against them, shouldn’t I expect to be treated the same. Allowing them to be accepting of my mistakes. Oh yeah by the way – who says I will make mistakes.
The old lack of confidence raising its ugly head again – always thinking I’m not good enough. This will stop and it will stop NOW!

By relieving the pressure I may just be opening myself up to many new experiences and opportunities.
I know it won’t come easy, I know that it won’t happen overnight but I also know I am ready to make the changes needed to move forward on the next part of my journey.

I was going to make a plan, start a list, think about how I will stop overthinking but well that would have defeated the purpose wouldn’t it.  So here is the plan – there will be no plan.  I am going to trust my instincts, back myself and just go with the flow.
As soon as I find myself overthinking I will stop and just do it.
There is a new day dawning!


  1. How much time do I waste on overthinking situations? I have to ask myself the same question. Being afraid we'll do the wrong thing, make the wrong decision holds us back. We all have higher expectations of ourselves than others have of us. Getting back to your instincts is hard sometimes, but as you say it's usually the right way to go. I love that you are just going to try it out and see how it goes - no pressure.

  2. Thanks for dropping by, we set such high standards for ourselves but accept others mistakes. Oh well hopefully it works and I learn to be kinder to myself. So far it has been really good. Hopefully it works for you too. take care :)

  3. Rita - i love this - you have said before how well you are doing at work and I hope you will definitely start backing yourself by being confident in your actions, words and work - Love it!
