Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome,

This is my first blog and I hope to post here every week. I have joined the 52 week challenge and will be sharing my progress and some of my thoughts on looking back to move forward - a journey to weight reduction.
Thanks for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

I’m a bit early posting this week because Merman and I are heading off for a week on the Gold Coast to catch up with my Dad.

Week 15

Time Audit

A funny thing happened as I did a time audit, I found that most of the things I do are important but not urgent. After last week’s challenge I’ve found that I manage my time pretty well, although initially I didn’t think I did. I suppose it’s a matter of what I see as priorities.

 I don’t have urgent things in my life other than preparing meals and looking after my family. I really don’t count these as urgent, it is just something that happens.  I plan my meals each week and yes at times the meals get mixed up or we have something totally different I don’t think this is urgent.  It is just a part of my day as I manage my priorities.

I don’t do anything urgent that isn’t important – sure answering phone calls, door knocks but that is just life. Since starting the SYL challenge I have changed many things and this includes getting rid of the other people’s problems that were burdening my life – more accurately I leave their problems to them and I don’t get invested. I am there for support if they need it but its not my end all be all.

Yes this does sound harsh but its all about taking care of me and working towards my goals.  I had a friend that used to bring me down and that was a drain on me well to put it simply its not a problem anymore.  There is a down side, I miss the friendship but to be truthful I don’t miss the negativity, I don’t miss the apprehension I used to feel before a visit, but more importantly I don’t miss my behavior when I’m with her. I didn’t really like myself too much – I drank too much and wasn’t as nice as I could have been.

There is nothing in my life I do out of a sense of obligation, what I do I do because I want to and because I enjoy it.

Yes there are things in my life I have to do, no that’s not true.  I don’t have to do them but I choose to do them.  I choose to look after my family, I choose to work, I choose to be the manager of Merman’s soccer team and I choose to do the things I do.

There are things I want to change and I’ve been making those changes.  Adding and deleting things as required to my weekly plan, finding any excuse not to do housework.

 I know I have to delete a few more things like too much computer time.  The thing is – I really enjoy my computer time. Facebooking with friends, SYL challenge, making new friends, reading, catching up on my foot talk, learning new things and playing games.  Maybe I won’t be deleting my computer time just yet, but I will cut it back a bit and add some more exercise time.

Am I missing something – surely it isn’t this simple. Maybe it’s because I have stopped being so obsessed about doing the right thing, or more importantly look like I’m doing the right thing. Maybe just maybe I have missed the point altogether and am living a delusional life with my head buried in the sand.  So be it, it’s not the first time and probably won’t be the last time either.

I choose to believe that this isn’t the case.

I choose to believe I am on top of everything and my planning is paying off.

 I choose to believe my life is being simplified.

I know my life is simpler, happier and more relaxed.



  1. I like my computer time too! Hard to give up the smiles, and laughter I get from it! Though the exercise is a great idea!

    1. I know what you mean, but I really enjoy my computer work. I suppose its all things in moderation. take care.

  2. I could have written the bit about the friendship situation. I am a much happier and nicer person after I decided not to take everyone else's problems on board. I am a very emotional person usually, too emotional, so I had to stop other people's problems effecting me so much. They are not my problems, I have enough of my own.

    I call it 'going in to self preservation mode'. Time to worry about me the most, I am the most important person in my life, that's the way it should be. I miss the friendships too but I am much better off without them.

    1. Thanks for sharing. Each day gets easier but if I am truthful, I knew it was a destructive relationship more because of my actions than anything else. Now I do things differently and I am loving it. take care. :)

  3. "most of the things were not urgent". I have the same realization. I do the little fillers instead of focusing on the big priorities. Good on you for making a call with a friendship that was detracting more than it was adding to your life. I'm going through a similar thing right now. It is a bit scary, but necessary to move forward and make space for more rewarding relationships. Great post!

  4. Thanks so very much for dropping by. I know that it was a long time coming but I do miss her very much. Oh well. I am finding so much more out there and so many other relationships that are much better for me. Take care :)

  5. I love how so many things are falling into place for you and you are experiencing the effects without as much effort as i think you expected (does that make sense). It is why i created the challenge the way i did, i believed that if we focus on the little individual steps they connect logically and then with commitment life will simplify and be easier...(at least according to how i define simplify which was not the homesteader, do everything yourself from scratch minimalist movement - rather the knowing who you are, your priorities and what you want strips away all the layers of complexity and stress that life can bring)
