Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome,

This is my first blog and I hope to post here every week. I have joined the 52 week challenge and will be sharing my progress and some of my thoughts on looking back to move forward - a journey to weight reduction.
Thanks for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

SYL Challenge Week 16

Holidays are over and now it's time to catch up with the SYL challeneges.

Week 16 -  Less is more

Since starting the SYL challenge with Deb http://www.homelifesimplified.com.au/simplify-your-life-week-17-decision-making/#more-3690  I’ve learnt so many things about myself, about my priorities and what is important to me but more importantly what makes me happy.   One of the things that I’ve learnt is that instinctively I’ve already been simplifying some areas of my life and what I need to do now is simplify all areas of my life.

A couple of years ago I completed a course about achieving more with less stress which started me on my current journey to SYL. Now I am achieving more but what I really want to do is simplify my life, I don’t really want to do more – I am enough and what I do is enough.
~Less is More~

Many things have led me to where I am now – life experiences, losses and gains, people moving in and out of my life, finding out what is really important but most importantly understanding that I don’t have to be anybody else because I am enough.  Understanding that I don’t have to live up to anybody else’s standards or do things because others do them and they look good.

I do things because I want to do them not because I have to do them.

Working full time with a family does create pressures in my life as it does in many others lives, I am not different from anybody else. The way I choose to live my life is what makes the difference.  Somewhere along my journey things clicked and I stopped trying to wear my undies on the outside and I no longer try to be super mum, super wife, super friend, super daughter, super sister super fit, super housewife and super worker.

I am super just the way I am and I am enough!

I’ve found that by relieving the pressure and not trying to do everything I am actually getting more done.  Less is more!

Without the pressure I find I am enjoying the things I do and I am actually getting more done.  No this doesn’t mean I enjoy housework more (or at all) but it does mean I don’t beat myself up when I don’t get everything done and that I prioritise – I get the important things done.  No that’s not right - I get the important things to my family done, not the things that look good to others or that would make me look good.

 My family is the most important thing in my life and I am finding out that by taking care of me I am taking care of them.  For me this means “me time” and not putting pressure on myself.  I am here to tell you that it is working for me and for my family. We are all feeling the benefits.

Less is more especially when it comes to simplifying my life.

Simple is beautiful


  1. Love, love, LOVE this post Rita! It is inspiring and refreshing. That is exactly what I want from my life, simple, happy, enough. I have also discovered that less is more this week and I hope I can continue like you have and stop trying to wear my undies on the outside ;) Well done!

  2. Thanks so much for dropping by. Its funny isn't it we are always searching for things but truth be known we have everything we need in our reach we just have to know how to reach out. I am really enjoying our challenges and finding out about what I really want in life. So glad I don't have to wear the undies onthe outside anymore it really wasn't a great look.... take care :)

  3. I love how you have realised to look after your family you need to look after yourself. This is such an inspirational post Rita!

  4. Hi Bec, Thanks for Dropping by. I think that this is the most important thing I've learnt from SYL is that I am enough and that what I do is enough. I love SYL challenges, learning new things all the time. take care :)

  5. I absolutely loved this post. I am just starting this challenge today and I am so happy that I read yours, it really has inspired me focus on what is most important to my family. You are so right, we are enough!

  6. Great post and you cracked me up with not needing to wear your undies on the outside.
