Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome,

This is my first blog and I hope to post here every week. I have joined the 52 week challenge and will be sharing my progress and some of my thoughts on looking back to move forward - a journey to weight reduction.
Thanks for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy.

Saturday 10 March 2012

52 Week Challenge - work 10

Let go and be vulnerable.

Once again Deb has hit the mark – before I start rambling about my fears I just want to say how much I am loving these challenges. Thank you so much Deb http://www.homelifesimplified.com.au/simplify-your-life-week-11-kindness-gratitude-and-altruism/  I am so glad you faced your fear and started this fantastic challenge.  I hope you realise how much you have helped me.
What am I afraid of? Well to be honest and I think I can be honest with you even if this sounds corny. I am afraid of sounding silly, of saying something that doesn’t make sense or more to the point of what I feel or think not making sense. Let me explain:

I don’t always speak my mind as I don’t want to sound silly, it is actually more than that. I don’t often say how I really feel because I think that my opinion doesn’t matter. Who am I to know what I am talking about, yes it all comes down to confidence.  I am aware that I do it and I use a number of tools to help me through it.
Instead of being spontaneous I always try to think before I speak so  at times I appear wooden, or fake and I really don’t like that.  Don’t get me wrong sometimes it is important not to rush into something. See that’s what I am talking about –here we are at the crux of the issue - this is where my fear originates – I don’t want to be seen to do the wrong thing, or for people not to like me.  Really who cares if they don’t like me or what I say.  What is more important, being true to myself or people liking what I say?
Look out there is that negative nelly again.  Who says that people wouldn’t agree with me, that what I say is silly or if people wouldn’t like me. Look out folks I think this is a watershed moment here.  This is fairly important so I might just repeat it.

Who says that people wouldn’t agree with me, that what I say is silly or if people wouldn’t like me.
Maybe I need a bit of self talk here – being true to myself doesn’t mean I don’t make sense.

While it is important to be respected at work maybe I would earn more respect if I was true to myself and not just a go along/agreeing/ and being a smiling ninny. Of course its about timing and places and saying things that are relevant but I need to speak my mind a bit more – not aggressive but assertive.
There is a bit of food for thought isn’t there.

I am a happy person and I like to have fun, I like to make people smile (although I don’t like it when they laugh at me) and for me this is a very fine line. This is another fear I have – at times I am too soppy and emotional. I would often like to say more than I do, to show more feelings and to show more kindness but I hang back not wanting to be too overwhelming or give too much of myself.  Maybe its more about loving myself more than anything else, thinking that I am worthy to have friends. OOPS  that was a bit deep.  Oh well its out there now I can’t take it back.
I have some other fears but I think this is the major one and when I conquer this one it will lead to other successes actually when this is conquered the others will just fade away.

Empty vessels make the most sound is a saying that I often say to myself and one that I am going to lose from myself talk vocabulary actually I am going to swap it with “Being true to myself I will say what I think”.

I will work on my confidence, I will address this by small steps.  If I don’t agree I will say so. Actually I already started – without going into too many details I stood up for myself at work when a comment was made that I didn’t agree with and that I found offensive.  It was good and instead of a few bad feelings that could have festered the situation was explained and sorted then and there on the spot.

Baby steps I know but a very important first step.
There is so much we can learn from children, I love the confidence children have, no fear and an amazing amount of self belief that they can do anything.  It is very sad that as parents our own fears that hold them back.   I love listening to my son when tells me how great he is and how he can do this and that. He has no silly hangups that stops him getting out there and doing the things he likes. That is something else I will do I will take a leaf out of his book and start believing that I am good enough, that I am worthy and I can do it.


  1. Like you, I have had many moments in my life worrying about what others think about me, or what I say/do etc. It is a hard road to start appreciating yourself for who you are, but I am sure you will get there, you are on the right track of acknowledging it, good luck!

    1. thanks for dropping by, Self talk is a funny thing - why does the negative stuff stick but the positive stuff take soooo long to sink in. SYL has helped and I know I amon the right track. take care :)

  2. baby steps are important - and i like that you recognise some of this is a bit of self talk! You are exactly right - who says that people wont like you, or that what you are saying might sound silly? keep going hon, one step at a time x

  3. Hi Lyndaal thanks for dropping by. small steps are so important but some times I do get impatient. Oh well, just like a masterpiece I am a work in progress. take care :)

  4. Hi Rita, we should follow our kids leads shouldn't we. I'm not sure when we change and start to care about what people think- but I'm with you on that one.

  5. Hi Bec, we have so much to learn from our kids. I love my son's confidence he thinks he can do anything. Hopefully his confidence rubs off on me. Take care :)

  6. Oh how I wish we believed in ourselves before we even tried! I doubt myself so much and my loved ones always show me proof of how I am good at something. It's amazing how we are scared to do things in case we mess it up, we're the only ones who even consider that we WOULD mess it up!!
    I'm loving this journey with so many like minded people ;) another great post Rita :)

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by. Confidence is such a big thing isn't it. I am having so much fun doing this challenge and meeting such wonderful people. thanks for your support. :)

  7. So happy to read this Rita - you are so wonderful to take that baby step - now you have the evidence of speaking your mind successfully to grow on next time - remind yourself no one laughed at you or got mad - you resolved it! Awesome!

    Deb @ home life simplified

  8. Imagine Rita if we could think and act like our kids - we might all wear super hero outfits to work!!! I think you would probably be surprised that people would agree with your opinions, or at least value them!! Dont be so hard on yourself, you are just as worthy as everyone else and their opinions!!!!!
